Wednesday, December 15, 2004

The year in far

My best side...
Originally uploaded by brendhan_mcdevitt.
Is anyone else disappointed with the skiing/ weather that we have had thus far? I keep reading about people having powder days and all sorts of great snow and it makes me wonder. Do these people really know what "good" is? Dave (who will soon be posting on here as well...he just doesn't know it yet) and I have a running joke about how we have never enjoyed a day of skiing on the east coast all but a handful of times. So far this year, I can say that statement is holding true. It is as if areas have forgotten how to groom over the summer months. I have been trying to come to some conclusions about why they would let trails go and become so horribly bumped and icy and the only thing I can come up with is that they are trying to keep the overall speed of skiers minimized. With such congestion occurring over the entire mountain, it would only make sense to try to keep people from killing each other. But my god, it is not a lot of fun to ski. This past Sunday, Dave and I were at Sunday River and we showed up relatively late (11am). The skiing was absolutely terrible. There was no possible way to let the skis go at all. Perhaps if had been there earlier would could have caught some corduroy, but I am sure that was chewed up very quickly.

But I suppose I can't complain too much given the weather we have had to deal with so far. I have been trying to convince myself that any days skied before X-mas are bonus. This doesn't make a whole lot of sense since there have been plenty of days in the past where the skiing has been "good" before that big fat man graces us with his presence and presents, so I am having a hard time buying my own bull shit. We just have to hope the pattern changes and we will soon be getting dumped upon. From the looks of it, things could all change come Monday...we will keep our fingers crossed.


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